Category: Music

  • Country Music Radio

    While driving my tractor, complete with auto-steer, GPS and A/C, I turned on the good ol’ AM/FM radio and turned the dial for a bit. Being out in the boonies, I knew what I’d find. I wasn’t looking for any Kpop, block rockin beats or Asian metal. No siree, I knew what I was in…

  • Korean Traditional, Pop, and Jazz Music

    Ok, so here is my second post on Korean music. Here I’ll cover some traditional, pop, and jazz music. Admittedly, this post is incomplete since Korea, especially Seoul, is teeming with a vibrant music culture. Traditional The Grand Poobah of Korean traditional music is Kim Duk Soo, the man who leads his own samul nori…

  • Korean Rock Music

    My Asian Rock and Metal post excludes one country that had a great affect on me personally and musically, Korea. Korea presented me with a few opportunities to both play and listen to music that I never would have had the chance to experience before. With this post, I’ll give you a glimpse of what’s…

  • Asian Rock and Metal

    I initially intended to make one simple post about the music I picked up as I made my way through Asia. However, that proved impossible with the number of great artists I stumbled upon. Some of the Cds were picked up simply by walking into a music store and selecting 3 random Cds (usually in…

  • For those of you who didn’t believe that I played in a polka band

    I’m sure my former bandmates will kill me for posting these. Taran, my Ukrainian polka band, playing at the WECC in Winnipeg, Canada. Watch how the douchebag camera guy tries to do something fancy with the camera and ends up breaking it. Most expensive shot of the evening, folks. Kolomeyka Part 1: Part 2: And…
