Category: Music

  • Winnipeg Music

    Winnipeg Music

    Since I’ve started a new journey towards my heritage homeland of Ukraine, I’ve stopped in Poland for the mean time. While here, I’ve had the chance to find some interesting music both from the store and also from those I’ve met in hostels. One Finnish dude gave me a list of 7 or 8 metal…

  • Winnipeg Music

    Winnipeg Music

    Since I’ve started a new journey towards my heritage homeland of Ukraine, I’ve stopped in Poland for the mean time. While here, I’ve had the chance to find some interesting music both from the store and also from those I’ve met in hostels. One Finnish dude gave me a list of 7 or 8 metal…

  • Reminiscences of a Winnipeg Musician Part 3: Ciaira’s tears

    [soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] As I was writing up my posts about Winnipeg rock venues, it dawned on me that I’d done quite a bit of recording here in Winnipeg. By no means do I claim to be a great studio artist (my band mates would probably have more than a…

  • Reminiscences of a Winnipeg Musician Part 2: Venues Not Operational

    Reminiscences of a Winnipeg Musician Part 2: Venues Not Operational

    In this post I continue my jog down memory lane visiting the venues that were once testaments to the vibrant Winnipeg music scene. If you want to see more photos, you’ll have to check out my other Flickr page here. Blue Note Cafe The only venue ever to black list us. Wow. The bookie was…

  • Reminiscences of a Winnipeg Musician Part 1: Venues Still Operational

    Reminiscences of a Winnipeg Musician Part 1: Venues Still Operational

    Recently, over a few beers with a high school friend, he mentioned that his younger brothers were going into the studio to record their first album. They would be recording with a man named John Turner at his new studio. Now, more than likely none of you know John Turner, but I’ve known him for…
