Tag: Winnipeg

  • Winnipeg Music

    Winnipeg Music

    Since I’ve started a new journey towards my heritage homeland of Ukraine, I’ve stopped in Poland for the mean time. While here, I’ve had the chance to find some interesting music both from the store and also from those I’ve met in hostels. One Finnish dude gave me a list of 7 or 8 metal…

  • Winnipeg: A Little Guide for Foreigners

    Winnipeg: A Little Guide for Foreigners

    As I make my way through the hostels and bars all over Poland, people ask me where I’m from and they don’t recognize the name. In regard to Canada, Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal get all the attention, Winnipeg gets skipped. I have no doubt it’s because we’re so far away from everybody else. But I’m…

  • The 62-Hour Bus Trip and My Polka With a Fighter

    The 62-Hour Bus Trip and My Polka With a Fighter

    62 hours on a bus. It was an interesting journey. Very scenic, something I’ve never seen or done before, or do again. There was an amorous old couple, a gross bus toilet, highway closures, a chick who met a Montrealer and, well, they made poutine, semi trailer accidents, a drug runner who had to pick…

  • Winnipeg: A Love Story

    “A crop of concrete and glass pops out of the prairies in an area fertile with history and culture. Winnipeg’s isolation, self-sufficiency and outside ignorance have allowed it to evolve into one of Canada’s most honest and composed metropolitan cities that can handle being the butt of the Simpsons gag, ‘That’s it! We’re all going…

  • Reminiscences of a Winnipeg Musician Part 3: Ciaira’s tears

    [soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/3524588″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] As I was writing up my posts about Winnipeg rock venues, it dawned on me that I’d done quite a bit of recording here in Winnipeg. By no means do I claim to be a great studio artist (my band mates would probably have more than a…
