Tag: summer

  • End of Summer 2021

    End of Summer 2021

    Here it is the end of summer 2021. Can you believe we’ve been fighting THE CORONAVIRUS for nearly two years now? And I still can’t help but wonder, why this virus? Be that as it may, the world is still turning and we are dealing with it. Here are a few updates of things going…

  • Springing along

    Springing along

    Things have been busy for me as of late and, if you haven’t seen by now, I’ve started a podcast! It’s the first new page I’ve added in a long time so I encourage you to take a look and have a listen to my new form of media! The Steven Sirski Podcast 😀 Why…

  • Hot and Green

    So Beijing has one of those funny temperatures that goes from “Wow, it’s kinda cold” to “Wow, it’s hot outside.” Well, it recently reached the latter part of that temperature scale with the mercury easily climbing to 20C or higher. Now, since most of you reading this here blog have probably never lived or perhaps even visited China…
