Tag: how to drink vodka

  • Ukrainian Horilka Part 1: History, Procedures and Protocols

    Ukrainian Horilka Part 1: History, Procedures and Protocols

    Horilka: a fermented liquor made from wheat, potatoes, honey and sometimes shoe laces (at least it seems like it.) It’s no secret, I enjoy a good drink or two, much to everybody’s dismay. One friend even told me, “Steve, when you drink you don’t need condoms cause you ain’t getting laid anyway.” Whatever that means.…

  • Polish Vodka, Part 1: Procedures and Protocols

    (Note to my Mom: maybe you want to skip this post.) Okay, I’ve heard enough. “Steve, you have a problem.” Now it’s time to justify my research into the “fire water” of Poland. After a month of intense research (which may also be considered cultural embracement) I present to you Part 1 of my review…
