Category: Countries

  • Ukraine: What’s Going On?

    Although I don’t consider myself particularly interested in politics, the current mess in Ukraine is hard to miss. It seems that the powers that be, aren’t, and the powers that want to be, aren’t. And that leaves a whole bunch of people pissed off about their future. The basic premise is that Ukraine wants to…

  • Monumental Moments

    I’m sure I’m not the only one who has had this experience, the moment when you see something you’ve heard a lot about and may have seen in pictures or movies. I’m talking about that moment when you spot a well-known monument. It’s the realization that you’re not home any more and that all those…

  • Tips for those who want to go to Australia

    Some folks were asking about my working holiday experience in Australia. Although I’ve written a few articles about the working holiday visa itself, I thought I’d put together some advice for those who are thinking about it but still unsure. This is a rather lengthy article and is divided into three parts: getting around, money,…

  • Happy Ukrainian New Year!

    Happy Ukrainian New Year!

    Alright, so January 14th – ish is the New Year celebration for what I’ve known as “Ukrainian New Year’s”. The date, of course, is according to the Gregorian Calendar calendar, which is given to us thanks to Pope Gregory XIII way back in 1582. Anyway, as kids growing up in the Ukrainian tradition, we’d visit…

  • The Working Holiday Maker

    My latest foray into travelling the world as a nomad has been as a working holiday maker in Australia. The reason behind my move was simple, I was turning 30 in 2012 and didn’t want to let the chance to visit Australia slip by. You may recall that after I returned from Poland and Ukraine…
