Category: Blog

  • Back to work, and something has changed

    Back to work, and something has changed

    Well, work finally re-started in earnest on Monday but it still looks like things will be minimal. Given that a lot of universities have shuttered their campuses for the time being and the uncertainty of being able to study abroad later this year, it doesn’t look good for the work load. Although I am glad…

  • 5 Ancient Authors to Read

    5 Ancient Authors to Read

    Some of you might wonder where I get all that great writing inspiration and word-smithery from. Few know that I was schooled in the Classics, the ancient history of Greece and Rome. Eleven years ago when I set out to start travelling the world, it was some of these authors below that inspired me to…

  • Beijing Resurgence

    Beijing Resurgence

    Well, if the first wave didn’t unseat him, maybe the second one will! Who? Trump of course! Alright, say what you will about current events but we are seeing another resurgence of THE VIRUS, that is, the Coronavirus also known as COVID-19. Over ten million people infected, half a million dead, but the fear remains…

  • Notes on a flight from Beijing to Shenyang

    Notes on a flight from Beijing to Shenyang

    Flying isn’t like other modes of transportation as it involves substantially more preparation and security, particularly in the airport. It is said if you’re going to travel, do so on the ground. Well, my new job has me taking trains and planes quite bit so I figured I’d keep track of what happened on one…

  • What’s the value of a university degree?

    What’s the value of a university degree?

    This post was originally titled “What’s the value of a Classics degree?” in which I was going to explain tactfully how Arts degrees, such as Classics (which was my major at university), have either been replaced by Wikipedia or, simply, should be studied in addition to one’s “real” major in another field. But then I…
