Tag: Taran

  • A Selection of Tracks

    Below you’ll find a selection of tracks that I believe best represent my work as a drummer over the years. For a full list of the albums I’ve recorded, see my discography. And, since I like to write, below the playlist I’ve written up a little about each track featured. I encourage you to read…

  • Discography

    DjemBA West African-influenced percussion album.  Preview available on Soundcloud. Jazz Journals Messin’ Around Baby’s Waltz Strollin’ Passport Available on Bandcamp. Zrada Who Was Born In…? Give Me Liquor Dark Skies The Young Writer Portrait The Letter Quick Waters Parade In the Woods Is A Path While I’m Alive The Cliff! Traditional Folk Music of Zradystan…

  • For those of you who didn’t believe that I played in a polka band

    I’m sure my former bandmates will kill me for posting these. Taran, my Ukrainian polka band, playing at the WECC in Winnipeg, Canada. Watch how the douchebag camera guy tries to do something fancy with the camera and ends up breaking it. Most expensive shot of the evening, folks. Kolomeyka Part 1: Part 2: And…
