Tag: EPK

  • Coffee and Milk

    Coffee and Milk

    No doubt you found this post because you’re interested in finding out more about the films I have posted on my website. Or because your Google search went wrong. If you’re interested in screening Coffee and Milk, please get in touch through email: stevensirski [at] gmail [dot] com Here are the tech specs if you’re…

  • Korea: A Reminiscence

    안녕하세요! I’ve been back in Winnipeg for just over a month now and many people have asked me “How was Korea?” So I’ve decided to put down some of my thoughts about the country and my time there. My job in Korea was to teach English to Grade 3s to 6s. I enjoyed it much…

  • Article on Teaching English in South Korea

    I’ve written an article on teaching English in South Korea. My friend Mike has posted it to his travel website. You can find it here: http://www.artofbackpacking.com/teaching-english-in-south-korea/ Tips to get you started teaching English in South Korea I have been putting together a couple of posts about Korea that I will post later.
