Category: Canada

  • The 2014 Festival des Film du Monde / Montreal Film Festival

    The joy of film festivals is that you get to see a whole bunch of movies that you might not otherwise see. Some of that is okay because theres always one film that makes you question the sanity of the organizers or, more importantly, make you think “I can do that”. On the other hand,…

  • Toronto, Canada: TIFF, TUF and the TSX

    I don’t think I’ve ever written about Toronto before, despite having been there a few times since beginning my near-constant wanderings five years ago. This time, however, there were a couple of things I wanted to see: the Toronto International Film Festival, regarded as one of the premiere film events in the world of cinema,…

  • Travel Across Canada on a Budget

    Travel Across Canada on a Budget

    I’ve recently met a few folks who’ve mentioned they want to travel across Canada. Well, here’s a guide to how to travel across the nation on the cheap. Some I’ve done, others I have not (such as hitch hiking.) Canada is a huge country and much of it is unpopulated. However, it is a beautiful…

  • Back to Canada and on to… Australia?

    Back to Canada and on to… Australia?

    Well, I’ll admit I’ve been a bit of a hermit while in Canada. After travelling so much and so far, coming back to Winnipeg was both exciting and depressing all at once. Let’s face it, the city’s kinda isolated from the rest of the world. Though I love Winnipeg and it is my hometown, I…

  • Poland and Ukraine: The Homelands

    Poland and Ukraine: The Homelands

    Canada: Winnipeg, The Great Canadian Shield bus trip, Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto Poland: Warsaw, Łódż, Bydgoszcz, Gdańsk, Sopot, Toruń, Poznań, Wrocław, Kraków, Auschwitz, Rzeszow, Lubaczow, Stare Brusno, Przemyśl Ukraine: L’viv, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Poltava, Yeompil, Sokolivka Although my trip to Poland and Ukraine was not as epic in terms of breadth as my Asian adventures, it was…
